Patriotic Groups members comprises males, females, youths and elders, Muslim and Christians, from all parts of the Nigeria.

Mr. President Sir, the axiom of wisdom which coincides with the Prophetic Hadith which said “never vouch for a man’s character until you have entrusted him with money and power”, is a self-evident truth against the Commandant General of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence (NSCDC) Ahmed Abubakar Audi. 

It is not a secret anymore that Audi is the worst ever Commandant General of NSCDC. Recklessly extravagant and fortuitous multi-billionaire in a space of only two years as the head of NSCDC. When Audi assumed the headship of NSCDC on 1/3/21 characteristically poor dotted with only official car, now has a fleet of cars, the latest in the fold just acquired is 2023 model of Rolls-Royce Cullinan with a market value of between $348,500 (N244million) and $401,500 (N281million).

With a litany of allegations trailing Audi already, the mother of all the surprises is the alleged diverting of Nine Billion Naira (N9,000,000,000) meant for NSCDC Personnel Elections Allowances to pay Governor Sule of Nasarawa State, loan he collected with 20% interest to buy the position of Commandant General from Sabiu Yusuf a.k.a Tunde (a cousin to the former President Buhari).

It was also alleged that Audi donated One Billion Naira (N1,000 000,000) and fifty (50) campaign vehicles to Governor Sule last elections from the Nine Billion Naira (1,000,000,000) meant for Officers Elections Allowances.

Moreover, used Governor Sule to usurped vast land in Shinge of Lafia town of Nasarawa State to build gigantic Super Market and Mega Filling Station under the supervision of one of the worst pipeline vandals in Nigeria, Turaki Gamji.

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